25 Oct Stem Cell Therapy for ALS (Lou Gehrig’s Disease)
The ALS community has been showing a lot of interest in stem cell therapy, particularly due to its potential benefits and how it is currently helping people suffering from the condition. ALS, known in full as Amyotrophic Lateral Sclerosis is a neurodegenerative disorder that affects the spinal cord, nerve cells and muscles in the body. This is a progressive disease, as it degenerates the motor neurons leading the brain lose their ability to initiate or control the muscles and sometimes leading to paralysis and even death.
Stem cell therapy is known for its regenerative power as stem cells have ability to indefinitely divide and specialize into various cells such as the skin, blood, organ tissue, muscle and the brain as well. It therefore comes as no surprise that there is growing interest in this therapy in managing ALS.
Currently, there are no definite results on the full effects of stem cell therapy on ALS but research shows that when stem cells are injected into the spinal cord of an ALS patient, the cells surround the diseased cells and help in slowing down cell death progression.
Clinical Trials for Stem Cell Therapy for ALS
Just recently results from A. Alfred Taubman Medical Research Institute and University Hospital recently released their results for phase I of a clinical study that explored the use of stem cells in treating ALS. Although this initial phase primarily focused on the safety of stem cell therapy in patients, it did come with some positive results as no adverse consequences were realized.
This particular study used embryonic stem cells and phase II of the study which seeks to investigate the efficiency of the treatment is underway. In yet another FDA approved clinical study conducted using human fetal neural stem cells, the results were more conclusive, as they showed substantial slowing in the progression of muscle degeneration which is indeed a hallmark in ALS treatment.
One of the most impressive results came from a patient who underwent stem cell therapy and within months had received significant muscle strength to abandon his cane. What stands out between the two studies is that unlike embryonic stem cells, human fetal neural stem cells are more mature or differentiated. These stem cells are robust, potent and controllable. This is why they seem to be producing such incredible results.
Stem Cell Therapy for ALS has immense potential, and Physician First Choice offers this treatment with US Board Certified doctors in conjunction with an International program where the SAME doctors treat the patient! If you or a loved one is suffering from ALS, call Physician First Choice stem cell treatment clinic today for more information and scheduling at (888) 988-0515.
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